options results;tr=transmit;se=sendstring;gu=getuser;gc=getchar;gu 1302307;t=upper(result);gu 1302368;f=result;if index("ACDP",t)=0&t>"" then signal HELP
if t="" then do;se "n1q1Run [c6Aq1]rexx, [c6Cq1]NetC, [c6Dq1]os or [c6Pq1]aragon? [c6HELPq1]: c6";gc;t=result;z=index("ACDP",t);tr word("Help ARexx CNetC DOS Paragon",z+1)
if z=0 then signal HELP;se "n1q1Enter <c6pathq1/c6filenameq1> to Run: c6i 40}";gu 70;f=result;if f="" then signal HELP;if ~exists(f) then do;tr "n1The file `"f"' could not be found!";exit;end;end
tr "f1n9Running "word("ARexx CNetC DOS Paragon",index("A0 C2 D4 P6",t)%3+1)" file `"f"' now...n1";if t="A"|t="0" then tr "#0"f"}";if t="C"|t="2" then tr "#2"f"}";if t="D"|t="4" then tr "#4"f"}";if t="P"|t="6" then tr "#6"f"}";exit
HELP:;tr "n1c6RunALL Commandq1, v2.0 by cdDotoranq1!n1";tr "Format: c6RUNq1>f>e(Ask for type and path/file info)";tr ">8c6RUN ?q1>f>c(Display this helpful text again)"